TCS placement paper 2013-2014 sep 13 SRM
1. An empty tankbe filled with aninlet pipe ‘A’ in 42 minutes. after 12 minutes an outlet pipe ‘B’ is opened which can empty the tank in 30 minutes. After 6 minutes another inlet pipe‘C’ op ened into the same tank, which can fill the tank in 35 minutes and the tank is filled find the time taken to fill the tank? 2. A boy wants to make cuboids of dimension 5m,6m & 7m from small cubes of .03m^3.Later he realized that he can make some cuboids by making it hollow.Then it takes some cubes less.What is the number of cubes to be removed a)2000 b)5000 c)3000 d)7000 3. Leena cuts small cubes of 3 cubic cm each.She joined it to make a cuboid of length 10 cm,width 3cm, and depth 3 cm.How many more cubes does she need to make a perfect cube? a)910 b)250 c)750 d)650 4. What is the distance between the z-intercept from x-intercept in the eqn ax+by+cz+d=0 5. 10 men and 10 women are there.They dance with each other.Is there possibility that two men are dance with same girl an...