Computer GK : Computer Questions and Answers 2

1. Who invented Compact Disc?
Ans : James T Russel

2. Which day is celebrated as world Computer Literacy Day?
Ans : December 2

3. Who invented Java?
Ans : James A Gosling

4. Longhorn was the code name of ?
Ans : Windows Vista

5. Who is known as the Human Computer of India?
Ans : Shakunthala Devi

6. What is mean by Liveware?
Ans : People who work with the computer

7. Which computer engineer got Nobel Prize for literature in 2003?
J.M. Coetzee

8. 'Weaving The Web' was written by.....
Ans : Tim Burners Lee

9. What is Beta Test?
Ans : Trial test of a computer or software before the commercial launch

10. 'Do no evil' is tag line of ......
Ans : Google

11. First Indian cinema released through internet is .....
Ans : Vivah

12. was founded by.....
Ans : Ajith Balakrishnan and Manish Agarwal

13. What is the extension of PDF?
Ans : Portable document format

14. Mows is a type of mouse for ........ people
Ans : Physically handicapped people

15. Expand RDBMS?
Ans : Relational Data Base Management System

16. Difference engine was developed by.....
Ans : Charles Babbage

17. is now owned by ......
Ans : Google

18. World's first microprocessor is .....
Ans : Intel 4004

19. What is SQL?
Ans : Structured Query Language

20. What is the expansion of COBOL?
Ans : Common Business Oriented Language

21. What is the expansion of SMS?
Ans : Short Message Service

22. Which IT company's nickname is ' The Big Blue ' ?
Ans : IBM

23. What is the full form of  IEEE?
Ans : Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers

24. Who developed COBOL?
Ans : Grace Murry Hopper

25. Email was developed by......
Ans : Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (Ray Tomlinson)

26. Green dam is ......
Ans : Web Filter

27. What is the expanded form of CMOS ?
Ans : Complementary Metal Oxide Semoconductor

28. Who is Netizen ?
Ans : Net Citizen (Citizen who uses internet)

29. What is Scareware?
Ans : Fake antivirus softwares

30. When was the first smart phone launched?
Ans : 1992 (IBM Simon)


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